The snow forecast for Craigieburn is: Mostly dry. Mild temperatures (max 8°C on Sat afternoon, min 4°C on Sun night). Wind will be generally light.
Craigieburn Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Craigieburn is: Mostly dry. Mild temperatures (max 8°C on Sat afternoon, min 4°C on Sun night). Wind will be generally light.
Craigieburn Weather (Days 4-6): Heavy rain (total 66.0mm), heaviest during Thu night. Mild temperatures (max 8°C on Thu morning, min 5°C on Tue night). Winds increasing (calm on Tue afternoon, near gales from the NNW by Thu night).
Craigieburn Live Weather
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Craigieburn Weather
(Next 3 days):
The snow forecast for Craigieburn is: Mostly dry. Mild temperatures (max 8°C on Sat afternoon, min 4°C on Sun night). Wind will be generally light.
Craigieburn Weather (Days 4-6):
Heavy rain (total 66.0mm), heaviest during Thu night. Mild temperatures (max 8°C on Thu morning, min 5°C on Tue night). Winds increasing (calm on Tue afternoon, near gales from the NNW by Thu night).
Mostly dry. Mild temperatures (max 8°C on Sat afternoon, min 4°C on Sun night). Wind will be generally light.
Next 4-6 days weather summary:
Heavy rain (total 66.0mm), heaviest during Thu night. Mild temperatures (max 8°C on Thu morning, min 5°C on Tue night). Winds increasing (calm on Tue afternoon, near gales from the NNW by Thu night).
The above table gives the weather forecast for Craigieburn at the specific elevation of 1922 m. Our sophisticated weather models allow us to provide snow forecasts for the top, middle and bottom ski stations of Craigieburn. To access the weather forecasts for the other elevations, use the tab navigation above the table. For a wider view of the weather, check out the Weather Map of New Zealand.
Click here to read further information on freezing levels and how we forecast our temperatures.
Craigieburn Valley, legendary among a surprisingly large minority of truly serious skiers and riders around the world, is the place where the staff from other local resorts come on their days off, where Northern Hemisphere extremists come in their offseason, and camera crews flock to shoot heroic lines. It's not always good, but when it is, there's nowhere better, short of iconic places like La Grave. When it's not good, it's usually still fun.
The trail map tells it all - most runs are advanced, with a significant number upgraded to 'tricky' (localtalk for triple black diamond) and the occasional 'suicidal'. And that's without going offpiste.
Although August is traditionally peak season, best snow and weather is often in September, and surprisingly often there is still lots in October.
Lifts are 'appropriate technology' (rudimentary, quickly reinstated after an avalanche). Facilities are comfortable, verging on opulent by local standards, but basic as resorts worldwide go, except the high altitude daylodge, truly one of the jewels of alpine location and architecture -- at least, of anywhere I've been.
Craigieburn Valley, legendary among a surprisingly large minority of truly serious skiers and riders around the world, is the place where the staff from other local resorts come on their days off, where Northern Hemisphere extremists come in their offseason, and camera crews flock to shoot heroic lines. It's not always good, but when it is, there's nowhere better, short of iconic places like La Grave. When it's not good, it's usually still fun.
The trail map tells it all - most runs are advanced, with a significant number upgraded to 'tricky' (localtalk for triple black diamond) and the occasional 'suicidal'. And that's without going offpiste.
Although August is traditionally peak season, best snow and weather is often in September, and surprisingly often there is still lots in October.
Lifts are 'appropriate technology' (rudimentary, quickly reinstated after an avalanche). Facilities are comfortable, verging on opulent by local standards, but basic as resorts worldwide go, except the high altitude daylodge, truly one of the jewels of alpine location and architecture -- at least, of anywhere I've been.
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