The snow forecast for St Moritz is: A dusting of new snow. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 4°C on Fri morning, min -3°C on Thu night). Wind will be generally light.
St Moritz Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for St Moritz is: A dusting of new snow. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 4°C on Fri morning, min -3°C on Thu night). Wind will be generally light.
St Moritz Weather (Days 4-6): A dusting of snow turning to light rain (total 2.0mm) on Wed morning. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 6°C on Tue morning, min -5°C on Mon night). Wind will be generally light.
St Moritz Live Weather
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St Moritz Weather
(Next 3 days):
The snow forecast for St Moritz is: A dusting of new snow. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 4°C on Fri morning, min -3°C on Thu night). Wind will be generally light.
St Moritz Weather (Days 4-6):
A dusting of snow turning to light rain (total 2.0mm) on Wed morning. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 6°C on Tue morning, min -5°C on Mon night). Wind will be generally light.
A dusting of new snow. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 4°C on Fri morning, min -3°C on Thu night). Wind will be generally light.
Next 4-6 days weather summary:
A dusting of snow turning to light rain (total 2.0mm) on Wed morning. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 6°C on Tue morning, min -5°C on Mon night). Wind will be generally light.
The above table gives the weather forecast for St Moritz at the specific elevation of 1856 m. Our sophisticated weather models allow us to provide snow forecasts for the top, middle and bottom ski stations of St Moritz. To access the weather forecasts for the other elevations, use the tab navigation above the table. For a wider view of the weather, check out the Weather Map of Switzerland.
Click here to read further information on freezing levels and how we forecast our temperatures.
Skied St Moritz twice: last 2 weeks of Dec 2010 (snowing on train ride from Zurich); fresh snow all night. Skiing was great; spent all day on fresh powder, no ice. wife took snowboarding lessons.
2nd stay, week around March 28. Snow much slushier but still good on many runs, wife now a good snowboarder and I gave up skis for board to be with her. Great conditions.
Friendly people, skied with a pro for half a day while he was waiting for his party.
Stayed at Kempinski. I highly recommend it, great saunas great food and feeling to the place, good location for access. I would prefer to stay at base of Corviglia,
Skied St Moritz twice: last 2 weeks of Dec 2010 (snowing on train ride from Zurich); fresh snow all night. Skiing was great; spent all day on fresh powder, no ice. wife took snowboarding lessons.
2nd stay, week around March 28. Snow much slushier but still good on many runs, wife now a good snowboarder and I gave up skis for board to be with her. Great conditions.
Friendly people, skied with a pro for half a day while he was waiting for his party.
Stayed at Kempinski. I highly recommend it, great saunas great food and feeling to the place, good location for access. I would prefer to stay at base of Corviglia,
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