The snow forecast for Sinaia is: Mostly dry. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 2°C on Wed morning, min -9°C on Sun night). Wind will be generally light.
Sinaia Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Sinaia is: Mostly dry. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 2°C on Wed morning, min -9°C on Sun night). Wind will be generally light.
Sinaia Weather (Days 4-6): Mostly dry. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 5°C on Thu afternoon, min -2°C on Wed night). Wind will be generally light.
Sinaia Live Weather
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Sinaia Weather
(Next 3 days):
The snow forecast for Sinaia is: Mostly dry. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 2°C on Wed morning, min -9°C on Sun night). Wind will be generally light.
Sinaia Weather (Days 4-6):
Mostly dry. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 5°C on Thu afternoon, min -2°C on Wed night). Wind will be generally light.
The above table gives the weather forecast for Sinaia at the specific elevation of 1000 m. Our sophisticated weather models allow us to provide snow forecasts for the top, middle and bottom ski stations of Sinaia. To access the weather forecasts for the other elevations, use the tab navigation above the table. For a wider view of the weather, check out the Weather Map of Romania.
Click here to read further information on freezing levels and how we forecast our temperatures.
What a big disappointment. I have made the big mistake to visit Sinaia during the New Year vacation on 02 January 2020. This was enough to ruin my whole vacation. From what to start and with what to finish?
I took the train from Braşov. One hour distance but the train was so full that you could not move. Of course, no sitting. You need a taxi to go to the gondola. And there is the big trick in Sinaia. There are two companies exploiting the mountain. The ridiculous thing about this is that the ski center had only 6-7 pistes posted. Despite the so small size of the ski center there are two companies with different tickets. This means you cannot ride with the ticket of the one company to the lifts of the other company. And, of course, no sign in English. Unfortunately, I took the lift of the company with old infrastructure. I waited to take Sinaia Telecabina 40 min. There are two levels. From Sinaia to 400 and a second Telecabina from 1400 to 2000. Alternatively, from 1400 you can take a chair with no queue.
They say that Romania is cheap for skiing. Well, I paid 90 lei = 18€ in order to ski one red piste! I was obliged to take 22 lei= 5€ for a single ride with the lift of the other company. But I could not ski down. Otherwise, I had to pay another 22 lei for a second ride. So telling Romania is cheap for skiing is at least misleading. The tickets are so expensive for almost nothing. The interconnection of ski centers is unknown word in Romania. In Austria there can be 100 posted with one single ticket of 50€. What is better to pay 50€ for 100 posted or 35€ for 6-7 pistes? I thought Greece was primitive in ski tourist but after visiting Romania I realized there are even worse countries in skiing infrastructure. I would strongly discourage anybody to organize ski vacation in Sinaia especially during Christmas or New Year vacations.
What a big disappointment. I have made the big mistake to visit Sinaia during the New Year vacation on 02 January 2020. This was enough to ruin my whole vacation. From what to start and with what to finish?
I took the train from Braşov. One hour distance but the train was so full that you could not move. Of course, no sitting. You need a taxi to go to the gondola. And there is the big trick in Sinaia. There are two companies exploiting the mountain. The ridiculous thing about this is that the ski center had only 6-7 pistes posted. Despite the so small size of the ski center there are two companies with different tickets. This means you cannot ride with the ticket of the one company to the lifts of the other company. And, of course, no sign in English. Unfortunately, I took the lift of the company with old infrastructure. I waited to take Sinaia Telecabina 40 min. There are two levels. From Sinaia to 400 and a second Telecabina from 1400 to 2000. Alternatively, from 1400 you can take a chair with no queue.
They say that Romania is cheap for skiing. Well, I paid 90 lei = 18€ in order to ski one red piste! I was obliged to take 22 lei= 5€ for a single ride with the lift of the other company. But I could not ski down. Otherwise, I had to pay another 22 lei for a second ride. So telling Romania is cheap for skiing is at least misleading. The tickets are so expensive for almost nothing. The interconnection of ski centers is unknown word in Romania. In Austria there can be 100 posted with one single ticket of 50€. What is better to pay 50€ for 100 posted or 35€ for 6-7 pistes? I thought Greece was primitive in ski tourist but after visiting Romania I realized there are even worse countries in skiing infrastructure. I would strongly discourage anybody to organize ski vacation in Sinaia especially during Christmas or New Year vacations.
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