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Visitor reviews for Seven Springs Mt Ski Resort
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(NOTE: Reviews may be edited by our content team for the purposes of ensuring accurate and relevant information)
December 14, 2009
Pablo from
United States
Pablo from

7Springs (Seven Springs Mt) is limited by its vertical and its climate. They make a fair amount of snow - but can lose it to rain. Once they do get the north side open, it can be quite nice. But they have a nasty habit of closing the north side as early as possible - and using BS to do it. Somebody needs to explain to the Johnny Cash fanatic who usually runs the Gunnar Express lift that once daylight savings time kicks in, it no longer gets dark at 4:30pm. So saying "dark soon" with 2 hours of daylight left is obviously false and only breeds a strong disrespect for staff on top of the resentment caused by closing the best terrain first.
“Welcome to New York, now go the **** home.” Johnny Cash Read More
February 11, 2009
docreight from
United States
docreight from

Seven Springs Mt is the place I love to hate. It's expensive, usually crowded, poorly managed, and most trails are open despite huge bare spots and giant gleaming sheets of ice hiding around the corners, not to mention the marble sized limestone gravel that seems to surface everywhere on the mountain. However, Seven Springs Mt has great potential but terrible management. I hope this place doesn't run itself into the ground. On a nice day after good snow there's a lot of fun to be had at Seven Springs Mt just don't be fooled by the local snow report. Read More
November 24, 2008
brian from
United States
brian from

For the skiers of western Pennsylvania, Seven Springs is is a great asset. It's only an hour out of Pittsburgh but skiers regularly come from Washington, DC and as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio.
Although Seven Springs does not have great vertical, you can have a great time there regardless of your skiing ability. They recently added another high speed six person lift which makes it possible to actually be on the slopes more than the lift.
Seven Springs has an incredible snow making system. As a matter of fact, the techniques developed there are now the world standard (or so I heard).
The resort has a couple of bars and restaurants .Last winter I had an incredible meal at "Helen's" a restaurant situated off the main lodge like a chalet on the side of the slopes. I had lobster bisque and medallions of pheasant that were both memorable. The vegetables and salad were done with great attention to detail. I also had a great bottle of wine.
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January 28, 2006
Jason from
United States
Jason from

November 28, 2005
Cindy from
United States
Cindy from

November 19, 2005
Jason from
United States
Jason from

In my opinion this is not the best ski resort in the east coast. The snowboard parks included a half pipe so icy and poorly made that any attempts to hit it resulted in flying out of the pipe. The one tabletop larger than ten feet required bombing the whole hill getting to it, and then getting maybe give feet of vertical over the next 15 feet. (It was impossible to spin anything off this). Also any vertical trick attempts (as if you even could haha)result in a clipped lift ticket. Overall this was an icy and underfriendly place, If you get a chance I would suggest Snowshoe in WV, much better in all respects. Read More
October 21, 2003
Shane from
United States
Shane from

BEST SKI RESORT ON THE EAST COAST! This place is the best. I love it. I'm a snowboarder and they have anything and just about everything to offer to snowboarders as well as skiers. They have 2 snowboard parks with sweet half pipes, jumps, rails, and this box with plexy glass on it last year. I highly recommend going there. They've got the fastest chair lift I've EVER been on. It's called the polar bear express. 2 thumbs UP! Read More