The snow forecast for Roundhill is: Light rain (total 2.0mm), mostly falling on Tue morning. Very mild (max 16°C on Mon afternoon, min 4°C on Tue night). Wind will be generally light.
Roundhill Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Roundhill is: Light rain (total 2.0mm), mostly falling on Tue morning. Very mild (max 16°C on Mon afternoon, min 4°C on Tue night). Wind will be generally light.
Roundhill Weather (Days 4-6): Mostly dry. Very mild (max 16°C on Fri afternoon, min 7°C on Fri night). Wind will be generally light.
Roundhill Live Weather
Snow Depth
Temp. (°C)
Wind (km/h)
Top Lift:
Middle Lift:
Bottom Lift:
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Roundhill Weather
(Next 3 days):
The snow forecast for Roundhill is: Light rain (total 2.0mm), mostly falling on Tue morning. Very mild (max 16°C on Mon afternoon, min 4°C on Tue night). Wind will be generally light.
Roundhill Weather (Days 4-6):
Mostly dry. Very mild (max 16°C on Fri afternoon, min 7°C on Fri night). Wind will be generally light.
The above table gives the weather forecast for Roundhill at the specific elevation of 1350 m. Our sophisticated weather models allow us to provide snow forecasts for the top, middle and bottom ski stations of Roundhill. To access the weather forecasts for the other elevations, use the tab navigation above the table. For a wider view of the weather, check out the Weather Map of New Zealand.
Click here to read further information on freezing levels and how we forecast our temperatures.
Have made the annual pilgrimage down south for many years now and have always given Roundhill a miss having ski raced there as a teenager. My memories from those earlier years were of a small, not very exciting but well run ski area with good facilities for it's size that relied on natural snow fall. Upon visiting Roundhill with the wife this August past I see that four things have happened that will go a long way to ensuring Roundhill's future. Firstly, snow making has made a huge difference - helping make Roundhill's season more predictable and ensuring good coverage on the main trails. Secondly, the excellent training facilities and stable weather conditions that greet the visiting national ski racing teams (think USA and Austria). Thirdly is the investment of time and resources into creating a top quality terrain park to keep both ski and board jibbers happy. Last but not least and most important for me is the construction of the Heritage tow. After riding it for the first time I thought to myself - only in New Zealand and well done you freeking crazy Kiwis...!! I love the fact that it is pactically goober proof and in this day and age, flys in the face of the high speed detachable, sanitised Mac Donalds style development that is going on at most of the other resorts in New Zealand. The skiing was off the hook, 60cms of new snow and fresh tracks all day until mine and the wife's legs cried "no more" - I'll be going back next year for sure....P.S Tekapo is a great little town as well.
Have made the annual pilgrimage down south for many years now and have always given Roundhill a miss having ski raced there as a teenager. My memories from those earlier years were of a small, not very exciting but well run ski area with good facilities for it's size that relied on natural snow fall. Upon visiting Roundhill with the wife this August past I see that four things have happened that will go a long way to ensuring Roundhill's future. Firstly, snow making has made a huge difference - helping make Roundhill's season more predictable and ensuring good coverage on the main trails. Secondly, the excellent training facilities and stable weather conditions that greet the visiting national ski racing teams (think USA and Austria). Thirdly is the investment of time and resources into creating a top quality terrain park to keep both ski and board jibbers happy. Last but not least and most important for me is the construction of the Heritage tow. After riding it for the first time I thought to myself - only in New Zealand and well done you freeking crazy Kiwis...!! I love the fact that it is pactically goober proof and in this day and age, flys in the face of the high speed detachable, sanitised Mac Donalds style development that is going on at most of the other resorts in New Zealand. The skiing was off the hook, 60cms of new snow and fresh tracks all day until mine and the wife's legs cried "no more" - I'll be going back next year for sure....P.S Tekapo is a great little town as well.
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