The snow forecast for Passo Lavaze is: A dusting of new snow. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 5°C on Thu morning, min -5°C on Wed night). Wind will be generally light.
Passo Lavaze Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Passo Lavaze is: A dusting of new snow. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 5°C on Thu morning, min -5°C on Wed night). Wind will be generally light.
Passo Lavaze Weather (Days 4-6): A light fall of snow, heaviest on Sat night. Turning milder with light rain (total 2.0mm) on Tue morning. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 6°C on Tue morning, min -2°C on Mon night). Wind will be generally light.
Passo Lavaze Live Weather
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Passo Lavaze Weather
(Next 3 days):
The snow forecast for Passo Lavaze is: A dusting of new snow. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 5°C on Thu morning, min -5°C on Wed night). Wind will be generally light.
Passo Lavaze Weather (Days 4-6):
A light fall of snow, heaviest on Sat night. Turning milder with light rain (total 2.0mm) on Tue morning. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 6°C on Tue morning, min -2°C on Mon night). Wind will be generally light.
Moderate rain reported from Caldonazzo wx at 461 metres elevation only 4 kms SSW of Levico Terme Panarotta but it is forecast cold enough for snow at the ski area from Levico Terme Panarotta
A dusting of new snow. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 5°C on Thu morning, min -5°C on Wed night). Wind will be generally light.
Next 4-6 days weather summary:
A light fall of snow, heaviest on Sat night. Turning milder with light rain (total 2.0mm) on Tue morning. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 6°C on Tue morning, min -2°C on Mon night). Wind will be generally light.
Moderate rain reported from Caldonazzo wx at 461 metres elevation only 4 kms SSW of Levico Terme Panarotta but it is forecast cold enough for snow at the ski area from Levico Terme Panarotta
The above table gives the weather forecast for Passo Lavaze at the specific elevation of 1600 m. Our sophisticated weather models allow us to provide snow forecasts for the top, middle and bottom ski stations of Passo Lavaze. To access the weather forecasts for the other elevations, use the tab navigation above the table. For a wider view of the weather, check out the Weather Map of Italy.
Click here to read further information on freezing levels and how we forecast our temperatures.
Passo Lavaz is well known not for it's downhill pistes but for the great net of cross-country trails, which are daily groomed and prepared for classic and skating style. More then 85 km of tracks split in 15 different pistes of all difficulties, for beginners to national teams training camps. Passo Lavaz is organized with changing rooms, showers, ski school, waxing rooms and waxing service, top ski rental, hotels, restaurants, typical huts along the tracks etc. 15 km. are prepared by a modern programmed snowing system. Passo Lavaz has a new 'Laser Biathlon' with laser guns rental.
Passo Lavaz is well known not for it's downhill pistes but for the great net of cross-country trails, which are daily groomed and prepared for classic and skating style. More then 85 km of tracks split in 15 different pistes of all difficulties, for beginners to national teams training camps. Passo Lavaz is organized with changing rooms, showers, ski school, waxing rooms and waxing service, top ski rental, hotels, restaurants, typical huts along the tracks etc. 15 km. are prepared by a modern programmed snowing system. Passo Lavaz has a new 'Laser Biathlon' with laser guns rental.
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