Is Mestia snowsure?

The snowiest week in Mestia is week 1 of March. There are typically 4.4 snowy days during this week with 12.2in of snowfall. Check out the Mestia Snow History graphs below.Select any week of the year to see the typical Ski Conditions, Snowfall Amount and Temperature based on nowcast weather data over the last 11 years. Read More

Average monthly snow in Mestia

MonthSnow amount (week)Snow days (week)
December8.3in3.0 days
January10.2in3.8 days
February8.3in3.7 days
March10.2in4.5 days
April4.7in2.2 days

Average Snow and Weather Conditions in Mestia during March (week 2):

The average snowfall forecast during week 2 of March for Mestia is 7.5 in. There are typically 4.1 snowy days during this week. Mestia normal weather and snow conditions during the second week of March at the middle elevation of the ski area at 6808 ft based on historical averages over the last 13 years: At this time of year the mean freezing level (5912 ft is very near the mid altitude of Mestia. Regular fresh snowfalls can be relied on in Mestia in the middle of March. On average, expect four days with snowfall per week but a rainy day during this week occurs about one year in two. Forecast model average snowfall for the week is 7.5 in. Temperatures should generally hold a few degrees below freezing. Average maximum temperature at the mid altitude in Mestia during week two of March is 30°F while the average minimum temperature is only 27°F. On average, two days out of seven will have some sunshine. Generally light winds (average 4mph) are unlikely to affect lift operations. Calm, sunny and below freezing ideal weather days that follow fresh snow (bluebird powder days) occur on average one day every second year during this week while fresh snow days that do not have perfect conditions also happen on average one or two days during this week each year.

Snow History: Compare Resorts

Compare Mestia with:

Snow Depths

Recorded snow depths for the upper and lower slopes in Mestia and (2007 – 2024).



Lower Slopes
Upper Slopes
Fresh Snow

Average Snow Conditions in

Best ski days per week in Mestia and (2007 – 2024)


Bluebird Powder Day
(Fresh snow, mostly sunny, light wind)
Powder Day
(Fresh snow, limited sun, any wind)
Bluebird Day
(Average snow, mostly sunny, light wind)
Very windy days

The most cherished days on the mountain in Mestia are Bluebird Powder days when it is mostly sunny with light winds following very recent snowfall. Poorer weather conditions may prevail on Powder days when the visibility can be limited but the snow is significantly deep and fresh for keen powder-hounds. Bluebird days can suit many skiers that aren’t necessarily hunting powder but want to enjoy the snowy mountains in sunnier conditions and light winds. Read More

Average Snowfall in

Graph showing the average precipitation (snow/rain) in Mestia and (2007 – 2024)


Snowfall amount
(bar chart)
Days with significant snowfall.
Days with significant rainfall.

The snowiest weeks of the year in Mestia are shown but also bear in mind the number of days that it typically snows each week if you want regular fresh tracks. The risk of a rainy day is shown but be sure to switch between elevations to see if lower lifts are rain affected or higher lifts remain snowy despite any rain further down the mountain. Read More

Average Temperature in

Graph showing the average temperature and freezing level at Mestia and (2007 – 2024)


Average temperature
Above freezing
Below freezing
Freezing level
Dashed line

The highest and lowest temperatures averaged for each week of the year in Mestia are shown. Check out the risk of freze-thaw conditions prevailing at different elevations for any given week. We also show the extremes of temperature (blue/red dots) that reveal the chance of unusually warm or cold conditions.