Southern Hemisphere Weekly Roundup #242

(Updated 22 May 2024) A comprehensive review of snow conditions, weather, and updates for the Southern Hemisphere's winter sports destinations.

Southern Hemisphere Weekly Roundup #242
Cerro Bayo, Argentina: 16 May 2024.

Southern Hemisphere Ski Season Kicks Off Early Amidst Heavy Snowfall

  • The 2024 season in the southern hemisphere has kicked off early in South America due to continuing cold and snowy weather, with ski areas in Chile and Argentina already open.
  • Australia and New Zealand are seeing low temperatures and some snowfall as their ski season starts in 2-3 weeks, with snowmaking efforts ramping up in Australian resorts.
  • Lesotho's Afriski in southern Africa is set to open on June 1st, marking its first full opening in 21 months, despite recent warm temperatures.


The 2024 season is getting underway much earlier than usual in the southern hemisphere thanks to continuing cold and snowy weather in South America. There are still more big snowfalls currently underway and three ski areas in Chile started their winters 4-5 weeks early at the weekend, following an early opening in Argentina a week earlier. Although South America is the focus we’re also now 2-3 weeks from the season start in Australia and New Zealand and both have seen low temperatures and snowfall over the past week as well, if not quite so much yet as the Andes and with no early openings announced so far. We mustn’t forget Lesotho’s Afriski in southern Africa either where the 2024 season is due to kick off a week on Saturday, June 1st.


Australia’s ski season start is just over a fortnight away now and more ski areas announced test firings of their snowmaking systems last week, including at Selwyn. Meanwhile, Mt Buller has been installing their all-new fifth all-weather TechnoAlpin SnowFactory. However, the weekend brought lower temperatures which allowed snow-making systems to fire up properly and start producing snow for real as natural snow fell too. Perisher reported about 10ccm (4”) of “full winter” coverage of its main slope and the same reports came from other leading Aussie resorts. “It’s a great feeling having both our snow guns and Mother Nature working together to give us the help we need to cool the ground and prepare for our opening day on 8 June,” said Maddi Ventura, Perisher’s Marketing Manager. Since the weekend skies have cleared and daytime highs have been in double figures above freezing, although there have continued to be just about cold enough weather for snowmaking overnight at times.

Falls Creek, Australia: 19 May 2024.
Australia snow report for the last 7 days.


Continuing rather marginal conditions for pre-season base building. It will continue to get below freezing at night on higher runs but only just about cold enough for snowmaking. Then daytime highs may mean snow made is lost again.


It’s been a good week in New Zealand, particularly on the South Island with lower temperatures and snowfall, ahead of the season that’s due to start in just over three weeks' time with Coronet Peak and Mt Hutt due to open on June 14 and Cardrona and The Remarkables the next day. They were among the areas turning white again at the weekend. It’s been drier since the start of the week though with cloud cover remaining, temperatures in the -6 to +7C range.

Cardrona, New Zealand: 20 May 2024.


A mostly sunny end to the week although the North Island may see snow showers continuing into Thursday. Temperatures are in the -6C to +8C range, so cold enough for snowmaking at times but with daytime thawing.

New Zealand snow forecast for the next 3-6 days.


Most of the abundant snow that fell in late April and the first week or so of May remains in place a month ahead of the expected season start in Argentina. Last week saw cold nights, warmer temperatures in valleys, but less heavy snowfall – although there were some fresh accumulations. Then a fresh front moved in at the weekend bringing more sizable snowfalls and setting the Andes up for an ever-more epic-looking main season start – so long as things don't stall. Catedral (40/80cm / 16/32”) near Bariloche, the country’s largest resort by uplift, did not appear to repeat its early opening last weekend despite there being plenty of snow left to enjoy it. Although its website lists a cable lift operating for sightseeing and webcams show smooth groomed runs, it’s unclear if the two have been allowed to come together. No other Argentinian areas have opened yet as far as can be ascertained either, Cerro Bayo was among the areas posting pictures of the snow lying deep there too, but mostly to encourage advance season pass sales it seems.

Cerro Bayo, Argentina: 16 May 2024.


Another positive-looking pre-season week with temperatures predominantly in the -10C to +5C range through the 24-hour cycle. Moderate snowfalls are forecast daily in the south, further north the next few days look dry and sunny, but cold, with snowfall arriving again at the end of the week and continuing through the weekend, but big totals are likely.


Chile’s 2024 season started early at the weekend just as another big front moved in bringing some big new snowfall accumulations. Three areas opened, up to a month earlier than expected. They were Nevados de Chillán (30/80cm / 12/32”), Antillanca (20/80cm / 8/32”) and Corralco (40/120cm / 16/48”). Often the 1st to open and last to close, Corralco, located in the stunning Malalcahuello National Reserve, is often the first in Chile and often all of South America to open (although this year it has been kind of beaten by Argentina's Catedral opening a small amount of terrain a week ago) and last to close. It's not only opening early but also already posting more than a metre of snow lying and more than half of its terrain open, which looks like very good news for the start of the season and hopefully all of 2024.

Portillo, Chile: 16 May 2024.


Remaining very wintery. Clearer skies and sunshine in more southerly areas but highs around +2C, and lows around -10C. A little colder further north, as low as -15C and highs around freezing with snow showers continuing.

South America snow forecast for the next 3-6 days.


Afriski in Lesotho was due to be the first area to open in the southern hemisphere, now in just over a week’s time, on 1st June. It has been beaten to it by some centres in South America opening early, but the June 1st opening date is still on at present. There’s no sign though of snowmaking getting underway. It’s been non-stop sunshine and although overnight lows have been down to -3C, daytime highs have topped +15C this week. However, the centre, which didn't fully open for snow sports last winter but says it definitely will this time round, can make adequate snow cover in just a few days. Southern Africa’s other ski area, Tiffindell in South Africa, hasn’t operated since 2019 and is currently up for sale still officially only temporarily closed.


Still staying rather warm for snowmaking although getting down around freezing overnight so just about possible perhaps, with daytime highs well into the teens and continuing wall-to-wall sunny skies.

South Africa snow forecast for the next