All Time Conditions In Southern Andes After Big Snowfall and Storm
Chapelco, today. // Photo: Facebook
Last week, we said that most ski resorts in Argentina and Chile were experiencing an important lack of snow. Now, conditions have changed dramatically. A massive snowfall and storm took place in the Southern Andes during the last few days, forcing authorities to block routes and causing power outages in hundreds of Patagonian towns: a nightmare for residents, the skier’s dream.
Bariloche, Chapelco and Ushuaia had to close their airports because of the extreme weather conditions. There is still no electricity in neither Bariloche nor San Martin de los Andes (Chapelco). However, Cerro Catedral was able to operate thanks to a electric generator. Also, all important roads remained closed by today morning.
Cerro Catedral (Bariloche), Argentina
40 cm (base) snowfall past 24 hours // 70 cm (top) snowfall past 24 hours
PARTLY OPENED – No electricity – Airport closed – Roads closed
Las Leñas, today. // Photo: Las Leñas WebcamsLas Leñas, today. // Photo: Las Leñas WebcamsLas Leñas, today. // Photo: Las Leñas WebcamsLas Leñas, after the storm. // Photo: FacebookLas Leñas, after the storm. // Photo: FacebookLas Leñas, after the storm. // Photo: FacebookLas Leñas, after the storm. // Photo: FacebookLas Leñas, after the storm. // Photo: FacebookLas Leñas, after the storm. // Photo: FacebookLas Leñas, after the storm. // Photo: FacebookLas Leñas, after the storm. // Photo: Facebook
Desde muy temprano el centro de esquí ha estado trabajando en el despeje de las vías de acceso y andariveles. Por seguridad el uso de cadenas es obligado desde Recinto.Continua nevando pronto más información. Si quieres conocer el estado de pistas y andariveles ingresa a #NevadosdeChillan #FP