North America Weekly Roundup #249

(Updated 10 July 2024) A comprehensive review of snow conditions, weather, and updates for North America's winter sports destinations.

North America Weekly Roundup #249
Brighton Resort, USA: 4 July 2024.

Beat the Heat: Indoor Snowsports at Big Snow New Jersey

  • Timberline's Palmer Snowfield on Mt. Hood in Oregon was the only ski area open in the USA on the 4th of July, maintaining operations despite warm temperatures.
  • Copper Mountain in Colorado offers a terrain park for summer camp participants during the week and public access on weekends.
  • Big Snow in New Jersey provides indoor snowsports as an alternative for summer skiing.


America went through the 4th of July with only one ski area open this year, a big drop from the numbers that made it to Independence Day or re-opened for skiing last year after the record winter snowfalls of 22-23. Timberline's Palmer Snowfield (6/94" / 15/235cm) on Mt. Hood in Oregon was open from 7 am to 2 pm as usual, despite afternoon temperatures reaching the 50s Fahrenheit and wall-to-wall sunshine all week. There are a few miles of runs open, although some are used for race team training and a terrain park. There's another terrain park operational at Copper Mountain in Colorado too, reserved for campers at summer camps from Mondays to Thursdays but usable by all with a $25 access pass (there are no lifts) on Fridays to Sundays. There are also indoor snowsports at the Big Snow centre in New Jersey.


It’s going to stay warm in the West with temperatures in the 50s and 60s, mostly non-stop sunshine, and not a great dip down overnight either.