Home Ski Slopes Sales Boom During Lockdown

Artificial ski slope manufacturer Skitrax has reported a mini-boom in sales of mini-ski slopes for home use during the pandemic lockdown.
“Many young people in Germany have decided to build a small fun park themselves. Dozens of kids have bought between 15-30 sqm of our Slopetrax mats and added their own obstacles to further increase the fun!” said Wolfgang Schmidt of Skitrax.
One snowboarder, Tom Avisic, built a launch ramp with a height of about 2m out of wood. A few metres of wood were then laid across at an angle of inclination of approx 25% to create the slope with the Slopetrax surface attached with wood screws.
For the run, the sliding mats were then laid on the lawn with a width of 1.60 m. In the middle area, two more rows of mats were laid because a “bench” obstacle will be set up later. The route can be enlarged or changed at any time.
Slopetrax mats are 22x22cm in size and can be quickly put together – and pulled apart again – thanks to an easy-to-use “PLUG IN / OUT SYSTEM” system.